12 activities to do in Jamay

Know the history of the monument to Pope Pio IX (Pio Nono)

Due to the fact that it was always perceived that Pope Pio IX had good considerations for Mexico, in the Jamay town it was erected in obelisk in his memory. The 20 meters high monument was built between years 1875 and 1879 by initiative of priest Don José María Zárate.

Pass through the ruins of the first masonry temple in honor to Santa María Magdalena

The chapel suffered unrepaired damages with the earthquake on October 2nd, 1847. It couldn´t follow as a cult center. Only some walls of this temple stand still.

Admire the altarpiece of the chapel dedicated to the Virgen de Guadalupe

Known by many as “La Capilla” is the temple in Jamay where every year is celebrated the festivity of the Virgin.

Learn the process of some traditional trades, honey production being one of them

Thanks to joint work, our honey production ranks 2nd at State level. With that, we will keep procuring programs, supports and training to increase volume and improve its production.

Enjoy in family the wáter park Corral Grande

Have fun along with your family in Corral Grande, a water park with different pools for kids and adults. It also has a zone for camping. Good option to enjoy pleasant moments.

Ride in “Trajinera” on the waterfront esplanade

Ride the Ballesteros channel above a “trajinera” and get the beauty sunsets Jamay has for you.

Recreational fishing in Xamain island

A perfect pastime where the competition is active. Come and fish in company of your friends and relatives.

Boat ride for sighting of birds and nesting

If you like birds, boat rides are the perfect activity for you, come and take the ride with relatives and friends.

Enjoy delightful plates in the food zone by the lakeshore

If hungry, enter our restaurants zone where besides good food there is a nice lakeview.

Picture yourself in the urban murals

Started 4 years ago as an initiative to take part of public spaces in Jamay, but nowadays it is a cultural movement that brings the attention of town people and visitors. On fences and staircases, artists like Bizarra, Erika Chavez or the Galva collective, to name a few, have expressed their colorful ideas on murals. Cruz Fernando Bañuelos López, director of the Culture House shared that Jamay is a seedbed of plastic artists.

Have a mystic experience in Pacal Votan

If you like living strange, mystic and paranormal experiences, this is for you. Don´t let it go, visit and surprise you.

Have a mystic experience in Pacal Votan

If you like living strange, mystic and paranormal experiences, this is for you. Don´t let it go, visit and surprise you.